Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Web 2.0 Tool

The Web 2.0 tool that I enjoy most is Prezi. Since learning how to use Prezi This semester, I have incorporated it into every single presentation since. I absolutely love the professional animations of the application. Prezi does a great job at keeping the audience engaged into presentations and I feel that it would work great in my future classroom. In grade school I did not like the plain black and white PowerPoint presentations that teachers would use to teach new material. I feel that Prezi will be a better approach to teach new material because of the popping colors and intriguing design layout.

I do realize that all students do not learn the same and that the animations and colors of Prezi may not be best for everyone. When teaching material, it will be important to remember this and alter presentations to have minimal design in order to ensure that all student learning needs are met.

Prezi will also be good in the classroom because since the application is completely online, students will be able to access presentations from home. The online application will also help with group projects and accessibility to view classmates work as well.

To begin working with Prezi, visit http://prezi.com/

Click here to view a Prezi presentation done by me.

1 comment:

  1. More isn't always necessarily better--I like Prezi for younger students simply for its nice embedding of YouTube videos.
