Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How To Become A Teacher

 Becoming a teacher is more than just going to get your degree and becoming a teacher. You have to truly have the heart to be in this occupation. There are too many teachers that get into this career for the wrong reasons and later regret it. You have to make sure that you make the lifelong commitment and truly have a love for it. Remember there is a difference between becoming a teacher and becoming a GREAT teacher. Although each states has its own set of certification rules they all follow sort of the same criteria. You must have a bachelor’s degree, student teaching experience, and a teaching certificate. Most go and get an associate’s degree in teaching but as stated you will not be able to get certified unless you have a bachelor’s degree but this allows you to work while working on your teaching degree. Most recommend that you get a masters degree as well because you get paid more money but if you have a true love for the career money shouldn’t be a priority. The smart thing is to get your masters though because it helps you to become more knowledgeable about the career. As a teacher you never stop learning even after you do get out of school. Once again teaching truly is a great career. It reminds you that life is not just all about you and if you make an impact on one child you have done a great thing.


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