Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Standardized Testing

      Standardized test are one of the biggest and most controversial elements talked about in the school and even out. Whether we want to admit it or not there will always be a standardized test in the schools. There were so many fighting to get rid of TAKS which they did and now they have switched it with the STARR. There will always be a fight against standardized test so it is better to be prepared for it than sorry. While teachers never know the exact questions asked on standardized tests, they do have a set of standardized objectives provided by their state. These objectives state what students should know in content areas and what skills the students should be able to perform. Once a teacher knows what her students must know, she can create daily lessons to provide the information the students need.
Since it’s impossible to teach everything the students need to know shortly before the test, teachers often devise ways to provide review throughout the year to keep skills and information fresh in elementary students’ minds. For example, if a fourth-grade class is currently learning about division with more than one digit, the teacher will periodically provide math questions that require the students to use addition or fractions. Some teachers devise games to review previously taught concepts, while others provide questions on regular tests set up like the questions students will see on a standardized test.
Parents can help their elementary students prepare for tests at home by providing a stress-free study zone. As the test date approaches, teachers often send out information about the upcoming tests, including the name of the test, what it measures and the testing format. Once a parent knows this information, she can prepare activities at home to help the child review. Grade-appropriate vocabulary and math games can help prepare an elementary child for test day. Questions from old tests and homework assignments can also serve as study tools. Since some standardized tests are timed, set time limits on review activities to get the child used to working at a steady pace.
Prior to administering the test, teachers often play a simple game, such as Simon Says, with their students to alleviate some stress and burn off some energy. Since peppermint is known to help alleviate stress, some schools allow their elementary children to suck on a peppermint candy while taking their standardized tests. Once the tests are over, teachers often allow their students to have some down time, such as extra time on the playground.
These are just some of the techniques that can be used to help a student be successful on the standardized test. If they are prepared then they will be more confident in their work. Don’t forget to add fun games to help the students because when they are having fun there is more chance for them to fully understand the content while enjoying themselves.
Diane Ravitch's blog does a great job of discussing the facts and the rise and possibile fall of the testing industry in Texas.

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