Friday, April 5, 2013


I honestly think that if I saw this sign today, I would run to it and properly follow the directions. I have been so stressed this passed week. I realized that this is unhealthy so I decided to find ways to relieve my stress. At work, my boss and I have been redecorating the office to better accompany the principles of feng shui. Feng shui deals primarily with positive energies and ruling out the negative vibes and energies. The use of crystals, water gardens, zen gardens, and subtle light really did help to calm me down today. It Is important for us as professionals to manage our time, lives, & find a balance in everything we do to ensure that our stress levels stay down. My suggestion for all professionals is that they find a place of peace, or a method of escape from every single thing that could possibly cause stress. Ways of escape will not be the same from one person to the next so everybody should take care to find what gives them inner peace. For me, I enjoy going and being pampered to relieve my stress and I encourage you to go find what gives you a peace of mind. Good luck!!


  1. Lighting is so important! Think about it for your future classroom as well. Flickering fluorescents might not be the best for struggling readers (the letters may seem to jump around), and natural light can help with vitamin D, energy, etc. It's so depressing to me to see a half-inch of dust on the miniblinds in a classroom...

  2. I know the feeling! Something that helps me is "me-time". I use this time to just think about what's going on and write down my thoughts and ideas! Try it! Good luck!

  3. I would like to be able to manually turn off my work/ school mode, that doesn't seem to happen. it's s nice thought though.

  4. Stress is everywhere. Even when we think its gone it creeps right back in. Sometimes i think stress is something like a mind game we think were stressed but were over worrying. Stressing causes more problems than needed. We need to take time out a pamper ourselves and relax. Thats one of the best stress relievers I know

  5. I think everyone can identify with this post, especially this time of the year! I can also, not just because of school but with a wedding coming up too. It's hard to control stress and it can so easily take over your life. That's why it is so important to take some time, even five minutes, just for you. I find that running helps me de-stress the most. I can tune everything else out and just haul!

  6. Yes definitely! Especially this time of the year, but stress is everywhere! You do have to find whatever it is to make you calm down and manage your time to not be stressed. I also like going to get pampered to find relaxation!

  7. Around this time of year i cant think of a time when i'm not trying to bang my head against something.

  8. stress can be a good thing I look at it as a motivation its what keeps you going
