Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Responsibility of College Readers

As future educators, we study deeply into the need for excellent teachers to teach reading and writing to the future generations. We study and train endlessly to gain our credentials to be successful in this matter. As a student at Prairie View A&M University, teacher candidates must acquire a total of 120 hours to graduate, must be accepted into the Whitlowe R. Green College of Education, achieve a 90 or above on Certify Teacher, as well as 290 on the TeXes Representative Exam. With that said, students of Prairie View should enter into our job field ready to take any student under their wing and help them become all that they can be. This can only be achieved one way though, and that is by staying focused throughout our tenure at Prairie View and studying our materials faithfully.
     In high school and even in college students should still be practicing reading skills. Without practicing reading, how can one ever properly comprehend the materials needed to be successful in their career? It has to be nearly impossible for a teacher to teach a student how to read fluently and comprehend what has been read if the teacher cannot do so for themselves. The process of studying in our college tenure should be imperative to all students who plan to achieve in their field of study. Pomeroy (2012) expounds on a research study done in 2011 about college students not learning much. “Half of the students surveyed in the study didn’t take a single course requiring twenty pages of writing during their prior semester, and one-third didn’t take a course requiring more than 40 pages of reading” (Pomeroy, 2012). This fact of the survey demonstrates two things and may be viewed in two different manners. On one hand, it may be viewed that college professors are not pushing students hard enough and assigning them higher level work. On the other hand, it may be viewed as students not pushing themselves hard enough to take classes from the more difficult professors. It is all about responsibility, but who’s responsibility is it truly?

Pomeroy, R. (2012, March 30). College Learning: The Student is Responsible - Blog. RealClearScience - Opinion, News, Analysis and Videos. Retrieved March 8, 2012, from http://www.realclearscience.com/blog/2012/03/college-learning-the-student-is-responsible.html
Read more about my research on The Responsibility of Readers


1 comment:

  1. There's a reason y'all have to take so many more reading courses than most education majors at other TX schools! Reading = TExES and classroom success.
