Friday, February 8, 2013

Professional Goals

I am currently a junior Interdisciplinary Studies major at Prairie View A&M University where I am studying to become an elementary school teacher, and later a principal. That being said, it is absolutely imperative for me to always keep my goals in mind. As a professional, it is very important that I am always maintaining integrity, ethical values, and demonstrate the highest of leadership qualities and abilities. It is my goal to not only teach my students, but to be a role model for them and someone that leads by example. I will strive to make an impact in my students' lives and aid in enabling them to succeed in both their education and their life. As a student of Prairie View A&M it is my professional goal to carry out the traditions of my institution. In that, I must obtain my degree and go on to be a part of a legacy of Productive Panthers. Furthermore, I must always push myself and strive to be the best that I can be. My professional goal overall is to do all that I can to be the absolute best teacher that I can and do anything that I can to make a difference, while staying in tune with my values and belief in Jesus Christ.


  1. I think the best principals have been there in the trenches, teaching for several years and maybe leading a grade-level team, so they truly have an idea of what works for students. Principals today need to be able to train teachers in best practices, after all.

  2. Very inspirational and I love how you are dedicated to your goal. I like that you want to carry out the tradition of Prairie View A&M, that shows just how much pride you take in your school. Good luck you will do great!

  3. Keeping God first will always make your goals easier to reach. Nothing is more important that you and your education in the future. Keep a strong mind and push forward. I admire your hard work and ethic.
