Friday, February 8, 2013

Professional Goals

I am currently a junior Interdisciplinary Studies major at Prairie View A&M University where I am studying to become an elementary school teacher, and later a principal. That being said, it is absolutely imperative for me to always keep my goals in mind. As a professional, it is very important that I am always maintaining integrity, ethical values, and demonstrate the highest of leadership qualities and abilities. It is my goal to not only teach my students, but to be a role model for them and someone that leads by example. I will strive to make an impact in my students' lives and aid in enabling them to succeed in both their education and their life. As a student of Prairie View A&M it is my professional goal to carry out the traditions of my institution. In that, I must obtain my degree and go on to be a part of a legacy of Productive Panthers. Furthermore, I must always push myself and strive to be the best that I can be. My professional goal overall is to do all that I can to be the absolute best teacher that I can and do anything that I can to make a difference, while staying in tune with my values and belief in Jesus Christ.