Saturday, March 2, 2013

Value Your Education!

I think it is so important that we realize the importance of education in our lives. We should truly value our right to receive a quality education, as well as our freedom of speech and press, which allow us to educate others. Education is absolutely imperative to the survival of our human race, as well as the success of our country. It is amazing how much further a quality education can carry us, compared to no education at all or knowing the bare minimum. As future educators, I feel that we should value the fact that we have received a great education. We should take pride in knowing that we are being entrusted to pass this education on to future generations. We should see ourselves as the farmer, planting seeds into young children. These should be seeds of determination, confidence, and success, seeds that push students to excel as well as value their education. It is often said that "those who can't do, teach." We should  be the generation of teachers who change this saying to "Because I do, I teach." The "do" in this new quote may stand for anything that we desire, whether it be a school subject or coaching a sport. We should take what we do and what we are good at, and pass it on to younger generations in an effort to help them become the best they can be. So as teachers, let's continue to embrace the education we are receiving, whether it be one of quality, or one of a lesser quality. Let's do whatever we can in order to succeed!